Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Nothing too excited happened today but everyone is really anticipating tomorrow, Flag Day! This year marks the 200th anniversary of the flag, which was first hoisted here in Rosario! It will be insane because everyone comes to Rosario, even the president will be here!!! There are parades and celebrations all day and we don't have classes! Today classes were such a struggle, probably because of the excitement for tomorrow! The city has been getting ready all week, there's flags everywhere hanging from every building. People are walking around with ribbon of the flag pinned to their jackets and all sorts of crazy things! I tried to take a siesta (nap) today but Mama Maria and the dog kept waking me up so that didn't really happen. I'm about to go to the movies with a bunch of friends to see a movie about Argentina's economic crisis in 2001. Then we're going to a karaoke bar since we don't have class tomorrow! I should have plenty of pictures tomorrow/Thursday depending on when I have time to blog again. That's all for now :)

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