Thursday, June 21, 2012

Flag Day!

Yesterday was flag day! Tuesday night we all went out to a karaoke bar since nobody had classes yesterday! It was so much fun! I didn't get home until around 4:30 and I passed right out! I overslept a little because Mama Maria woke me up around 7 to ask me something and then I fell back asleep. I missed the beginning of the parade but I thankfully found Marya and Marcos in the crowd and watched the rest of the parade with them! There were so many people and Argentina has the longest flag in the world! They've been making it for the past 14 years! I got to hold it but I look like an idiot in the picture because we were walking with it! After the parade was over Marya and I went to Gran Vie, a restaurant we like and got their flag day deal, a large pizza and 6 empanadas! It was delicious!!! I took a nap and finished some homework and just relaxed the rest of the day. Nothing fun happened today, all the WCU people had lunch together and then I went back to UCEL to do homework. Here's some pictures from flag day!

                                             The Parade!

The monument and tons of people!

Longest flag in the world!

Walking with the flag :)

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