Thursday, May 8, 2014

Back to Argentina!!!

Here I am again! Only 19 days until I head to Argentina once again. I am currently procrastinating writing my 10 page paper for my Latin American Studies class and studying for my Linguistics final so blogging is appropriate, right? I'm so excited to announce that I will be blogging for this summer while I am back in Argentina. I will hopefully still be posting on this one as well like last time. I'm not sure how their site is set up yet/if I have a writing limit so check back in for details and the link! Once I finish finals I'll start packing, or I'll just wait until the weekend before I leave. It will be winter there again but they've had an unusually hot summer and the forecast this week is still in the high 70's! Hopefully after the extremely cold winter we've had here I'll get lucky with a warm winter in Rosario. It's not like their winters are bad anyway, in 2012 when I was there I think the coldest it got was 50! My host family has never seen snow, thank the lord because after this winter I never want to see it again! I will be living with mamma MarĂ­a once again this summer, I can't wait to see her and my host family. I think that's all I've got for now since I need to get back to studying, stay tuned amigos! :)

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